Planning to be at the Planning Commission hearing next Thursday, March 23? Not sure what you’re going to say in your three minutes? Maybe this will help you get started: We’ve put together summaries on the many aspects of the Wonder Inn Project where we have concerns, and probably you do, too. On our new Our Concerns page you can find ideas, inspiration, and cold hard facts.
Are you concerned about the impact on our water supply and wells? We have some of the particulars in our Hydrology section. How about the night skies? Are we doomed to lose our view of the stars? In our Aesthetics section you can find out what County Policy has to say about protecting our skies, so you can remind the Commissioners. And speaking of County Policy, our Land Use and Zoning section has chapter and verse on how an out-of-scale commercial project like the Wonder Inn is counter to Countywide Plan Policy and Principles.
You’ll also find sections on Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Energy, Geology and Soils, Greenhouse Gases, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Noise, Population and Housing, Public Services, Transportation, Utilities, and Wildfire. Plus, we have summaries on the Wonder Valley Community Setting, Environmental Justice, and Piecemealing, which addresses the undisclosed plan to build 24 luxury villas on land surrounding the Wonder Inn. All together, you’ll find plenty of information to arm and inspire you.
But do you have to get into the weeds to be effective at the hearing? Absolutely not. There’s only two things you really have to do to make a difference:
- Show up.
- Speak from the heart.
One last thing: If you want to help our team here at Stop Wonder Inn make sure all critical points get presented to the Commissioners, we need volunteers to read specific comments we have prepared. If you’re interested in helping out, shoot us an email. Thanks!