It’s Time To Act To Oppose The Wonder Inn

Where Things Stand, And What You Can Do

County Land Use Services has reviewed the proposal for the Wonder Inn Project and decided they liked what they saw. We don’t. So now what?”


The developers of the proposed 106-room hotel and resort submitted their application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) in November 2021. In the ensuing year-plus they have submitted required technical studies to justify that their project meets the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act  and County development codes to the San Bernardino County Land Use Services (LUS) department.  Since learning of this CUP application a working group of concerned residents of Wonder Valley and the Morongo Basin have been regularly meeting to learn more about the project and have put up the website with details about it.

These studies have now been reviewed by LUS and their report posted (look for Wonder Inn Hotel/Resort section or links at the bottom of this post) on January 14, 2023.  LUS has essentially greenlighted the project to proceed through the approval process, issuing their decision as follows: “Although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there shall not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION shall be prepared.”

The members of the Stop Wonder Inn Project working group will vigorously object to the LUS assessment as we feel that the project is highly inappropriate in the Wonder Valley area. We are in the process of reviewing the submitted studies in detail and are preparing to submit detailed, substantive comments to LUS.  

However, LUS has set the comment period on the Initial Study from January 17, 2023 to February 7, 2023 at 4:30 PM.  This gives the public only 21 days to review over 1000 pages of technical information and formulate a response to LUS with objections to the project and the report.  Given that the developers and LUS have taken over a year to create the report and propose mitigations, 21 days is an unreasonable amount of time for our concerned community to prepare informed responses — especially as our cursory review of the documents (in only the two days that we have had access to them) raises many questions. Therefore, we will immediately be requesting an extension to 45 days. We urge you to advocate for this extension to County officials as well, and to make it simple, you can use our webform to submit a request. UPDATE: WE GOT AN EXTENSION – Now 36 Days!  NEW DEADLINE FEB. 22, 2023.

If the Mitigated Negative Declaration stands without additional study, the project will be put before the County Planning Commission for potential approval and from there to the County Board of Supervisors for approval or denial. Those events are not currently scheduled but could happen in the near future. We will keep you up to date on when such events will happen and will encourage you to show up at these meetings to convey your objections and concerns about this project in person.

What You Can Do

  • First, request an extension of the comment period to 45 days.  You can use our webform to submit a request for extension. WE GOT THE EXTENSION – THANKS EVERYONE!
  • We are planning a community informational meeting in the next two weeks SOON to break down what we’re learning in our review of the report and help you understand how to send in your own comments.  Watch for that announcement.
  • The submitted developer studies are technically detailed and voluminous but if you have any knowledge or expertise in any of the content we would love to hear from you with constructive flags and analysis.  Send your ideas to  You can access the report and supporting documents at the links below.
  • Talk to your friends and neighbors about this project and tell them how they can participate in objecting to this project and let them know that they can sign up for our mailing list on this website.

If you’re ready to submit your comments on the report to County LUS please submit comments via our web form or directly to County LUS at or to:

Azhar Khan, Planner
County of San Bernardino
Land Use Services Department, Planning Division
385 N. Arrowhead Ave 1st Flr
San Bernardino, CA 92415

Links to documents submitted to LUS: